

LookingforGod.com exists for those people who have questions about God.  Launched in June 2006, the website introduces the God of love to people who don’t know who God is or how to find him.

LookingforGod.com is laid out in stages; first God’s love is shown through the Bible verses, then people can read about how He has touched other people’s lives.  Questions about God and Jesus and why we need Him are answered and finally through to showing the reader how they too can be touched by Jesus and accept Him into their own lives.

Did you know that LookingforGod.com is not just written in English?  There are French, German, Dutch, Chinese and Arabic sites also.  Imagine how many people can be reached and find out about God because of this!


People use the internet to find out about practically everything; it’s an invaluable resource in 21st Century living.  Why shouldn’t people be able to find out about God and Christianity while they’re there?

Anyone who knows what it’s like to step into a Church on their own, not knowing anyone or what to expect, knows it’s a pretty daunting experience, especially when you have so many questions.  From the safety of their own armchair or office, people can now find out all about Jesus.

What happens afterwards?

If someone decides they want to invite Jesus into their lives and say the prayer that is on the website, they are given the option for their details to be passed onto an organisation, Contact for Christ.  They will put them in touch with a Church and Christians in their area so that they can explore their new found faith in a comfortable and welcoming environment.  They are also offered a free booklet and guidance on the first steps of discipleship.